尹成的技术专栏 Android & Flutter Developer

Git Beginner



What is a git

 git 帮助我们进行代码的版本控制,我于2015/10/1花费一天时间学习一个关于git的视频,然后再参考几篇博客,将git的使用方法全部弄清楚。let's begin!



  1. *SCCS Source Code Control System *
    • 1972, closed source, free with Unix
  2. *RCS Revision Control System *
    • 1982, open source.
  3. *CVS Concurrent Versions System *
    • 1986 - 1990, open source
  4. *SVN *
    • 2000, open source
  5. BitKeeper SCM
    • distributed version
  6. *GIT *
    • github come out


      参考官网的安装方法 —— [git web]

  7. download the tar.gz or some package[your linux]
  8. tar zxvf *.tar.gz
  9. /configure
  10. make && make install
  11. finish. or you can try:
    • apt-get install git
    • yum install -y git
    • pacman -S git ###configuration
  12. git config –global user.name [your name]
  13. git config –global user.email [your email]
  14. git config –global core.editor “vim”
  15. git config –global color.ui true
  16. use bash config
    • wget https://github.com/git/git/raw/master/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash * ls * mv git-completion.bash ~/.git-completion.bash * add to .bashrc that if exist this bash, source it.
  17. help


    init the git

  18. mkdir dir1
  19. cd dir1
  20. git init
  21. add one file (make change)
  22. git add . (add change)
  23. git commit -m “some word” (commit change)
  24. git log -n/ –since/ –until/ –grep


    working -add file- staging index -commit- repositiry

File Operations

Add (git status to check)

  • git add .
  • git commit -m “”
  • git diff
  • git commit -ma “”

    Remove(git status to check)

  • git rm filename
  • git commit -m “”

    Rename(git status to check)

  • git add file
  • git rm file
  • git commit -m “”
  • or you can use git mv file1 file2


    git diff to check to change

    1. git checkout – file(before add) it can return the status of the workspace.
    2. git reset HEAD file (after add)
    • unstage the file -> before add
    • git checkout – file
      1. git (after commit)
    • find the Hash value of commit
    • git comment –amend append to the same commit
    • git diff –staged
    • return the commit status

      git checkout [commit hash] – file

Warning [git reset]

  1. –soft not change staging index & workspace
  2. –mixed(default) change staging & not workspace
  3. –hard change staging & change workspace

    usage : git reset –soft [commit hash] git reset HEAD file -n try to do -f force to do


    it can help us to ignore some file or dir reference :

  4. help.github.com/articles/ignoring-files
  5. github.com/github/gitignore git config –global core.excludesfile pathtofile
    • git rm –cached file


      git log –oneline/ –graph/ –all/ –decorate

      Other options

    • git show [hash]
    • git diff [hash] & git diff [hash1]..[hash2]


      branch is needed, cheap, try

  6. try new ideas
  7. isolate the workspace
  8. fast context switching


    • git branch
    • create -> git branch new_branch_name
    • switch -> git checkout branch_name
    • git checkout -b new_branch_name
    • git diff [branch1]..[branch2] (use –color-words)
    • git branch –merged
    • git branch -m old_name new_name (–move)
    • git barnch -d(–delete) name (-D to delete a non-empty branch)
    • prompt
      1. export PS1=’$(__git_ps1 “(%s)”) > ‘
      2. export PS1=’\W$(__git_ps1 “(%s)”) > ‘
      3. export PS1=$PS1’$(__git_ps1 “(%s)”) > ‘ (it’s cool !)

Attantion: barnch is a stack mode, current branch can’t be delete


  • git merge exist_branch
  • git branch –merged
  • conflict
      1. change by yourselt
      1. git log –graph –oneline –all –decorate
      1. git mergetool –tool=


  • keep lines short
  • commits small focused
  • merge often


    1. git stash save “changed mission …”
    2. git stash list
    3. git stash show stash@{0} (you may use -p option)
    4. git stash apply
    5. git stash pop
    6. git stash drop stash@{0}

      Remote Git Easily, this can be changed to Remote Git now

      Set up a github account

    7. you set up a account
    8. Create a repository
    9. look at the code following
      echo #  >> README.md
      git init
      git add README.md
      git commit -m "first commit"
      git remote add origin https://github.com/[User account]/[project name].git
      git push -u origin master
  • you can easy use git remote rm origin
  • git branch -a/-r
  • git push -f
  • git fetch
    • fetch before work
    • fetch before push
    • fetch often
  • git pull = git fetch + git merge
  • git push origin :your branch
  • git push origin [–delete] branch

    [远程分支的使用] git checkout -b [new_branch] (make some change) git commit -am “word” git push [远程仓库名] [远程分支名(new_branch)]

    password caching

    Password Caching or save the ssh key.

下一篇 Markdown Beginner